Guess who finally got back in her scrap room? In other words, Stella found her groove! Friends, I am pleased as punch to not only be in a happy dilema (once again) over designer papers, but I'm triple pleased as punch to be playing with a new toy ... my brand spanking new pretty pink bind-it-all. I'm so glad the bind-it-all has come to live with me!

So here's my first project with my new baby girl, Miss Bindy. I covered both sides of some chipboard coasters with designer papers, sanded the edges a bit, and embellished with a scrumpled squished up beautiful glimmer misted flower, added some bling and ... get ready, this is the best part ... punched and squished the whole thing together in Miss Bindy. SDE ... Super Duper Easy! Ladies, I've got a silly grin going on ... this is just a cool tool sweet darlings!

I'm smitten with scrumpled squishy glimmer misted flowers lately. If I had a do-nothing day and I could do-anything my little heart desires from sun up to sun down, I'd scrumple and squish and glimmer mist all the live long day until I had a bouquet fit for the heavenies! I've started tearing pages out of my husband's old college algebra and psychology text books (shhhhh, that will be our little secret). They make for a ravishingly cute flower layer, and besides, they absorb the glimmer mist spray like a sponge! Enough said.

The inside of my first Miss Bindy project is a birthday calendar ... a place to record very important birthdays, such as August 12 (write that down, I want a card from everyone!). It was quick to computer generate the pages and cut them to size. My sweets, you can bind any little thing your brain can dream up in a 24 hour period between the covers of two cutsie covered coasters!

So here's another book I dreamed up ... Grandma's Brag Book ... perfect for the grandma-to-be who will have an instant place to put pictures of that new angel face. By turning the book length wise, it's a perfect sized mini-scrapbook.

If I had my druthers, I would have a treasure chest smack full of swirly bling in every color combination of the rainbow cuz don't you just love the touch of pizzazz that it adds to your project?! I do declare!

The inside of Grandma's Brag Book is kinda jazzy too, a little bit of matching designer papers were added so that Grandma could instantly slap the angel's pictures right inside, with a totally biased word or two of honest journaling, and wa-la, instant cute.

I love instant cute! In fact, I wish my hair and make-up would be instant cute each morning but, unfortunately, that takes effort.

I love Miss Bindy! We're gonna get along like peas and carrots. Chocolate and peanut butter. Cheese and crackers. And she's pink? Did I mention that she's pink? She is. Pink.