that time of the month again ... craft club projects! (what did you think I meant?) This month, we were to use vintage clip art in some form or fashion in our projects. My my my my my --- let's just see how this turned out!

I purchased one sheet of vintage clip art pictures for $3 while I was at the Heirloom Stamp Show, and then I made a trip to my local
JoAnn's for the cardboard boxes ($1 each) and some clear crackle paint. Easy enough. I painted the boxes with acrylic paint and then applied the clear crackle. Boo on crackle paint! Mine didn't crackle. I guess I am not a good
crackler. So I went to Plan B, because my momma always taught me that it's good to have a Plan B for times such as this!

Essentially, Plan B means that you distress the box with paint daubers and add a fair amount of glitter (because when in doubt, glitter it), and then add cute sayings. I dolled up the boxes with ribbon and big honking buttons too because, after all, once a project goes wrong then you might as well go wrong big, yes?!

I finally gave up on trying to crackle and just went with stamping backgrounds with
Staz-On ink which, in my opinion, looks
waaay better anyways! Down with crackle! Up with stamps?
Now rather than end this blog post on a Debbie Downer note, let's be Patty
Positive for a minute and take a look at them there "feet" on the bottom of the boxes! Now that's darn cute if ya ask me (and I know you didn't but I'm feeling generous with my wisdom today). Those "feet" were nothing but marbled rocks that are normally used in candle jars but I like them better as "feet". Once I added "feet" to this crackle failure mess, I got all happy again -
yay "feet"!