I posted a picture of this little canvas in my last blog post, but I was never really satisfied with how it turned out. So this is my
new and improved version! I kinda love it now! No need to toss it out and start over ... just add, and add a little more, and add a little more more. That's one of best things about the whole "She Art" process - there's no such thing as a mistake. Love that!

Here's the story behind this canvas. Ever since my mamma went to heaven a little over a year ago, there is a darling lil 'ole 80-something year ole' lady at my church who gives me a hug EVERY Sunday. She hugs me and says "This is from your mamma until you get to heaven too." She reminds me so much of my own mamma -- beautiful white hair, bright eyes and smile, and a fun giggly laugh. Now tell me, isn't God so good! So I added the saying "There's nothing like a mamma-hug" and gave it to her for Mother's Day. The number 87 on the canvas is significant, because that's how old my mom was when she died. So you see, I really do kinda sorta love this piece of art after the revision. The picture below was the first go-round, so you can really see the difference.

Yay for She Art! I am so thankful for my good friend, Cindy, who shared She Art with me. And I am so thankful for
Christy Tomlinson's willingness to teach others to have "art in our heart" through her
online She Art class. Check it out -- I think you'll be glad you did!