More "she art" to show you! Some time back, we had a women's ministry summer gathering at church entitled "Singing in the Rain" and our guest speaker was a lovely lady named Amber who shared her powerful testimony about the loss of her 7 year old daughter to an inoperable brain tumor, and Amber's resultant crisis of belief 5 years later. Her wrestlings with God took her through unimaginable grief, leaving her alone with her questions. Have you ever questioned God?

Ultimately, God won Amber's heart in a year-long wrestling match when she came to realize that He loves her no matter what. As a thank you gift for ministering to our group, I made Amber this 8x8 canvas with the bible verse "She can do all things through Christ who strengthens her". I think I love this canvas more than any others I have done. It's color palette is soothing, and so is it's theme.

A matching composition notebook joins the canvas, in the same soothing colors. I do love butterflies, oh yes I do! On these types of mixed media projects, they just "fit" the flighty nature of the art, don't you agree? Butterflies in headbands, hair pony tails, dress trim, and backgrounds. Flutter by butterflies!

This morning, I am thankful for my creative times. Time that allows me to reflect and ponder my own "wrestlings with God" and how he ultimately won my own heart. We all have a story to tell. We are all stories in the making aren't we? Today, as I go about my busy day at work and in life, I will remember that "She can do all things through Christ who strengthens her."