Tuesday, October 14, 2008

1-2-3 Done!

A quick post tonight for a quick card! Lots of CB embossing, layers, and punches make this card a snap. Not a lot of stamping here --- it's power to the punch baby! Folks, what DID we do in the days without CB embossing folders and punches? Well, it's kinda like comparing an old typewriter to the computer! I really like white on white embossing. It creates instant pizazz and who doesn't need that these days (that's what make-up and lipstick do for me too). I'm giving this card the ole' Sarah Palin "wink". Do I happen to like this easy peasy card? You betcha!

On another note, I am getting ready to board a big electric bird for an annual get-together with my card-swapping girlfriends in Atlanta. This is WAY cool because one of them happens to be my BFF-sister, Joyce (who got me into this scrapbooking & card-making love affair in the first place)! I hope you have a pal, sister or not, who is as wonderful as she is. She graciously takes my daily phone calls consisting of:
  • my whining and pouting
  • my flip-out happy scrappy shopping finds
  • my stressed out attacks
  • my work-a-holic fits
  • my laundry complaints
  • my infected finger-nail fiasco
  • my recipe try-outs
  • my grandma stories
  • my good/bad hair days
  • my lipstick fetish
and to top it all off, she understands my need for Diet Coke. You get the picture?

1 comment:

  1. Kay,
    I am so glad you stopped by my place because it gave me a chance to stop by yours and check out your fabulous creations!! You are one talented woman!!! I'll be back for sure! ;-)
