Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Snowbunny Bella for Thinking Inking's B-day

Debbie Olson, over at Thinking Inking is having a birthday today! And this is my virtual "gift" to her for inspiring me to purchase my first Bella! You can see Debbie's Snowbunny Bella here, which sent me and my plastic to the Bella Store! I want to wish Debbie a very Happy Birthday and thank her for graciously sharing her time and talents.

I made my Snowbunny Bella to share with my Atlanta card swap group, and I'm pretty sure they enjoyed the little cutie! I used my Scor-Pal to emboss a frame around the stamped and copic-colored Bella, with Soft Sky cardstock as a mat. Debbie often uses her copic airbrush system to highlight her stamped images {which is something that is on my wish list} so I was able to get a similar effect by masking Bella and using a sponge dauber to highlight with Soft Sky ink. And I love the fur effect on Bella by using liquide applique. See how creative juices flow when you read Debbie's blog word-for-word? Try it! And wish her a happy birthday today!


  1. Kay, thank you SO much for your sweet post--and your snowbunny is gorgeous! :-D Have a wonderful day!

  2. This card is HOTT! I mean cold ;)) You rock my world. I wish we won. I kind of cried, but am emotionally over it.

  3. [url=][img][/img][/url]

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