Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Paper Vacation!

We've just returned from a visit to DC/Virginia Beach and look what jumped into my suitcase during vacation?! Loads of beautiful scrapbook paper! Is that trendy scallop Kraft paper not gorgeous?! Doesn't it just say "Please embellish me with Unity Stamps?" Yes, it really said that to me! The clerk in the local scrapbook store she had never heard it say that to anyone else!

Lynn and I graciously agreed to shop our way to DC/Virginia Beach so the guys could ride their Harleys, arn't we the bomb? We googled "local scrapbook stores" and away we went, baby!

Get a load of this bicycle paper, which I HAD to HAVE because of the gazillion bikes we saw at Virginia Beach. What a great boardwalk, full of families and Schwinn bikes of every shape & size. I wanted a pink one, with a basket for my beach towel, and a bird bell on the handle bars! The clear Hero Arts set is full of cute birds, and squirrels, and owls to go along with that nifty tree and tree stump. And the rocking chair stamp? Ohhh, I have it all planned out to paper pierce the pillows!

These papers have matching glitter adhesive borders, be still my heart! I can't wait to play with these goodies. God bless Harley Davidsons and Local Scrapbook Stores!


  1. Oh, shopping for scrapbook supplies is SO much fun, isn't it? Love the papers you found!

  2. Hi Kay!! I am a paper junkie too!! I have HOARDS of it!! Just love the stuff... I have ever since I was a little girl!!!
    Lovely stuff that jumped into your suitcase...

  3. WOW ... what a trip! I LOVE, LOVE designer papers and it looks like you found some real "goodies" here! I don't know which I have more of ... paper or ribbon? I can't go into a store without buys one or the other!!!
