Sunday, June 7, 2009

Scroll of Remembrance

Hello! How are my favorite crafters on God's green earth? Kevin & I had a bumpy start to our weekend when our family cat of 14 years went to cat heaven (click if you are a cat lover and want to see and read about our Cozy Cat), but we just clung to each other and tried to keep on going. You tend to get more attached to your mate when your kids are grown because you're all you have left within your own four walls. You young darlin' wives and moms need to remember that one day. It will happen before you know it. There are all sorts of adventures to have together. Just keep investing. Hence, we enjoyed our family cat together.

Now, the title of this post, Scroll of Remembrance, does not exactly refer to our Cozy Cat. Our first summer bible study was so much fun, and this is my chosen scripture verse for this week!

Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His name. Malachi 3:16.

Try to grasp what that scripture suggests. Every time we speak of the Lord with each other - face-to-face, on the phone, in the women's restroom at work, over email, on the blog - God stops to "listen and hear". Then it indicates that a secretary in the Kingdom of Heaven literally records either the occasion or perhaps the conversation itself on something called "a scroll of remembrance." I don't know about you but over the course of my life time, I want to keep that secretary writing as fast as his hand can fly across that scroll. At this very moment, an historical record is being kept of our communication in His Name. That's too much, isn't it?

Give Him plenty of stuff to write about, girlfriend!


  1. Thanks for sharing this. It's a powerful passage, and I'd never thought it through as you did.

    I like the card you made, and the holder is cute.

    Sorry to hear about your cat. I remember how heartbreaking it was to lose my dog, who'd been with me through most of my single-adult years. You offer good advice for young parents, too: my son has gone from birth to age 11 in no time, it seems, and I doubt that the next ten years will seem slower.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your cat.... and I love the verse...

  3. This is AWESOME!! Both the card creation and the verse! I'm lovin' the insight you have shared with all of us today! I really like how you have it displayed too ... creativity at its finest!!

    Sorry about kittie! (Not a huge animal lover here) but my kids are and I understand through them and feel your pain.

  4. Hi Kay!! Just beautiful what you have here... I love that little device you have it hanging from too. I bought a few a those a while ago but haven't put my calendars in them yet!!
    So sorry about your cat!!!

  5. where did you get the hanging rack for your verses....I MUST have one for my desk -- I am going back to teach full time this year!
