Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sister & Friend

Say to wisdom "You are my sister" and call understanding your intimate friend. Proverbs 7:4

I'm really close to my sister and our phones call each other on a regular basis! So when I read this verse, I really "got it". That's what I'm saying! "You are my sister" to wisdom and "You are my intimate friend" to understanding. Now that's what I call some mighty fine soul mates! Since we are half-way through our Summer Bible Study and Scripture Challenge, I thought this was a super duper verse.

The stamped panel is a mixture of Unity April KOM (two girls) and My Cute Stamps (flowers) and did I mention how cute they look? Colored with copics, then dotted with a white inkessentials pen. I'm going dot-crazy since my pen purchase, love it! As if there were not enough polka dots, I overstamped the entire image with PT polka dot basics (a staple in life, just get it), then I roughed up the edges of my stamped strip with an edge distresser, and bordered it with a brown cardstock scalloped panel {Fiskars Running Water Edge Punch - one of my favs}. I cut some faux ribbons from matching pink cardstock for strips underneath the computer generated scripture verse, and embellished with punched flowers & buttons.

Oh my Kitty Soul - is this not darling? Looky who worked with me on this one! Hard to say who's cuter! It's so hard to parent O'Malley with that precious face! Have you ever tried gluing and punching and coloring stuff with a furball in your lap? Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Aaawww, how sweet!! Yes, I mean both the card & the kittie!! Have a great day!!
