Friday, July 24, 2009

Vine & Branches

Jesus said, "I am the Vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

A well-known bible verse for this week's Scripture Challenge. This verse reminds me to look up when life is looking down. Life can be hard…sometimes to the point of feeling as though your struggles will never end and God isn't anywhere near. That's when I look up and take note of every branch on my most favorite best ever tree in my front yard, pictured below with some special friends.
My stamped tree (as opposed to my real tree!) and darlin' lil' swingin' owl is from Swingin' By, Our Craft Lounge. Notice the darlin' bitty bird? In the darlin' tree? Colored with copics, then I used a sponge-dauber for the light blue sky and soft green grass. There is actually a double row of ribbon, the underlying green ruffle is on elastic - a great find from Archivers! I used the tip of a stylus to make grid lines on the paper ribbon tufts. All settled nicely onto one of my very best fav Cosmo Cricket papers! (Early bird - Apron Strings) Have a beautiful day! I hope you notice a tree!


  1. I really like this verse... and I'm jealous of your real life tree! I'll be packing my bags and move in during the next bloom season! Hope you're OK with that.

  2. Beautiful little card with the little bird & owl!! Your REAL tree is amazing, what an awesome photo! Well done my friend ... perfect verse and thanks for reminding me to "look up" when I start feeling down!
