Friday, September 10, 2010

The Moments We Share

Do you have a bunch of rub-on's in your craft stash? I finally cleaned up my beautiful mess of a craft room and it inspired me to make these cards with rub-on's. I guess you could say I was in the moment! Moments are memories, am I telling you the truth?I confess ... I was cleaning up for the cleaning lady who is expected today! Does anyone else do that? What an oxymoron. But clean makes me happy, and happy makes me creative, and we all know that Creativity is Good! Maybe today's moral of the story is this: go clean?
I hope you have a beautiful moment today! Find it. Make it a memory. And come back here and share it with me. Or ... if you have a mess, then make your mess your message. Either way, we'll be enjoying life's journey together and that part is so fun!

1 comment:

  1. I actually went looking for my rubons just so I could use them up. I'm focussing on trying not to add to my supply collection, by using more of what I already have - before I go out and buy something new I need (!?!?!).
