Saturday, April 30, 2011

She Learned About "She Art"

Can I just say ... I am having SO much fun learning She Art! And that's a major understatement. I never ever never ever would have believed that I could do this. But guess what? I can do this! I am taking Christy Tomlinson's online class. It's A-mazing. Her videos are fresh and fun. Her teaching style is hands-on. And it's worth every penny! I can stay in my PJ's and watch and learn. And then go create! Swoon.

I don't yet know what She Art sayings that I want to add to these canvases, but it will come to me. She learned about She Art. She loved what she learned. She was a brave girl. She got her fingers messy. She was proud of her mess. She tried the untried. She knew creativity was good. She was a happy girl.


  1. I do need to get out more.. I have no clue what you are doing, but so very happy that it is making you so very happy... have a wonderful day my friend. hugs

  2. I so enjoy when I see you have left me a comment on my blog, it always brings a smile to my face... hugs

  3. Kay? Using the words "happy" and "messy" in the same sentence? I never.....!
