Monday, August 22, 2011


Got apron? check. Got Shiva Paint Sticks? check. Got some creative mojo ya gotta let out? check. Once I got there, I knew I was ready to rock-n-roll!! Let the sun shine in! This was an experiment. On a canvas apron. With a head full of ideas. And no understanding of how certain mediums would "take" to the canvas. But how are ya gonna learn if you don't try? And so try, I did. The worst that could happen would be a donation to the trash can, right? But it ended up pretty cute!

First, a word about Shiva Paint Sticks - which are oil based - and they stink. Oooh boy, do they stink! If anyone has an idea on how to get the smell out of the finished apron, do share! I've heat set it in my dryer and that did seem to help a bit. But now I'm over the smell -- now I'm just into the cuteness factor!

I used stencils and a stipple brush to add the flowers, later highlighting them with white dots of acrylic paint and yes, I actually sewed on the buttons! ME? Sewing? Unbelievable. Using some of the techniques I learned in the online class, She Had Three Hearts Workshop, I added more texture to the back ground by using stamps and staz-on ink - here and there and everywhere.

After stamping the dragon fly images, I went back with white acrylic paint to make them pop. I found a dotted leaf stamp in my stash, which further added definition and texture to my hand-drawn leaves. Mixed media is just that -- mixed. I am loving the journey! Whatever you are doing creativity, I encourage you to go a teensy tiny bit outside your comfort zone ... and just watch how your heart takes flight! Yes, I will get out my stinky Shiva Paint Sticks again. It was just waaay too much fun!


  1. So very cute! Love how you are mixing your media and gettin' your stink on with those oils!

  2. Now how did I miss seeing this? This definitely has some "cuteness" going on... you did a FABULOUS job. I pray things are going well with you my friend... hugs from ukiah

  3. Oh yes baby! We have SO got to get together one day and have some creative fun. Lovin the 'new' crafty you! I recogize some of those stamps too - coz I got them in my stash!! Inspirational.
