Friday, August 5, 2011

Donna Downey Inspiration Part 1

I feel like the mom in the commercial who never gets her photo's out of her camera, and her son is stuck mid-air jumping into the pool waiting on the pic! Remember that one? Seriously, my camera thanked me after I downloaded everything! So let's get down to business - Donna Downey business! First up is a GORGEOUS canvas album that we made with Donna at Altered Angels - a newly opened local scrapbook company in the Atlanta area that totally ROCKS. A round of applause for Mary, the owner, who brought in Donna as her first guest artist/teacher. W-O-W. And a big W-O-W for Donna's classes too!

We learned the "art" of gathering - oops, I mean smishing - bookpaper and canvas to make the most gorgeous ruffles. I mean, come on, doesn't it make you want to touch it like, right away? This little canvas album comes blank, ready to be transformed, and transform it we did!

Donna also introduced us to her 12x12 canvas sheets, which you see cleverly embedded on the cover of this album. Ironically, before class started, I was shopping the store with Donna by my side (see why going to these things totally rock!) and I picked up one of her 12x12 canvas sheets and asked her point blank, "OK missy, what do you do with THESE?" to which she instantly replied "What would you do with it, if it were a 12x12 piece of paper?" She's a true teacher, babycakes. Answer a question with a question. Made me think.

Donna's teaching style is another topic -- will save that for Donna Downey Inspiration Part 2. Suffice it to say, you go away "learned". She brought her lovely family to the Atlanta area with her, and thanked us all for "supporting the Downey family". It was a pleasure!

My buddy, Lynn, with her finished canvas album. She traveled with me, 1200 miles round trip, to visit with my sisterpants (pictured below) and do these classes. What a good traveling buddy!

And here is sisterpants, in the flesh, with her finished album. She is the host with the most - trust me ... you WANT to know her. Sisterpants is fun, and kind, and loving, and buys good chicken salad and croissants, and cookies. And she was smitten with blue shimmer paint. Well, I will (eventually) get real pics printed out and into my real canvas album. And it will sit on my real dining room table to remind of the real fun memories. Really.

And here is chubby yours truly.


  1. Love your post - it was GREAT to remember that wonderful weekend with my lovely sister and her friend Lynn. Can't wait for your inspiration part 2 !!!!

  2. How unique! Love the colors of your album. Never seen anything like it!

  3. What a fun fun weekend you had. AND to spend it with your sister, you are so blessed my friend. hugs
