Thursday, February 16, 2012

Back Up the Bus -- let's start with Halloween

I don't know how time flew by from September (last post) to February ... but perhaps this lil' ole' pumpkin with wings helped it?  Yep, that's what happened!  It isn't that I haven't been creating along the way, I've just been ... uh ... busy creating.  And we did a good bit of traveling during the last several months too.  Yay me!  The upside is that I DO have pics of stuff I did ... the downside is that they are still in my phone.  So ... let's start with Halloween, shall we?

This was an ATC swap with my craft girls.  The theme was "mini-collage" and it was a real 'treat' to do, get it?  ha  The paper is a VERY heavy weight water color paper, which takes to acrylic paints and modge podge very nicely.  My crafty-pants friends had taken a spin into the world of doodling and zentangling  (oh man -- that reminds me to take a pic of my doodling ATC card, she's a cutie pie holding a cat and an umbrella - I'll get right on that!).  Anywho - I digress.  After our dip in doodles, and since I was already in the doodling mood, I doodled this lil' ole' pumpkin guy.  The wings are really a Unity Butterfly Stamp that I love love love, cut in half. 

Bet you never went trick or treating in February?

Edited to add something of value (like my Halloween post in February was not?).  I think it worthwhile to check out the Advanced Style Blog.  Today's post is in memory of 95 year-old Zelda Kaplan, a snazzy New Yorker who I enjoyed very mucho.  Here's to living life full!


  1. You are so funny Kay.. glad you have been doing a little traveling. Pumpkins in February.. and a good looking one too. hugs my friend

  2. Thanks for stopping by blog my dear friend... yes i do remember that conversation and i am still looking for a "word"... God just hasn't given me one. :-( Have a beautiful day Kay... you are an amazing person, you always make me smile...hugs from ukiah
