Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Courage & Kindness Girls

Bye bye perfect.  Hello Courage.  I must admit that I try to be perfect a lot of the time.  Perfect wife, mom, friend, crafter, etc.  But I'm learning that we don't have to know what we're doing all the time.  We don't have to have immediate answers for everything.  We are allowed to lose inspiration and get off track for awhile.  We can be human and get annoyed by petty things.  We can be messy, chaotic, and courageous all at once.
Welcome to The Kindness Movement!  The idea is that kindness is contagious.  Ellen DeGeneres inspired the creation of The Kindness Movement.  At the end of her show she says "Be kind to one another."  I love that!  We all know that simple gestures speak loudly.  A door held open, a hearty thank you, offering up the closer parking space.  What simple little thing could you do today to offer up kindness?  Kindness does matter.  Uh huh.  En how.  Cha ching. 


  1. I love it... I am going to be looking for ways I can be kind today.. And tomorrow..and the next day. I agree it's the little things that we do that makes someone feel a little extra special..and we all like to feel a little special at times. Hugs

  2. Hi Kay,
    just found your blog through AFA. Love what I see here. Gonna look around some more. Love this to girls of you. Sometimes one needs a little courage to be kind!

  3. My sweet friend, i could use some of your prayers.. i am receiving ugly emails from my Aunt Eloise's grandkids.. and having a hard time dealing with all that is being said.. thank you Kay.. hugs
