So here I am, coming to you live ... gallbladder-less! The surgery was originally scheduled for 2pm today, then it was bumped up to 11;30am. And then, just yesterday, they bumped it up again to 10:00am. I told Kevin at that rate, it could be out by the evening! LOL! Well, as God would have it, today's surgery was indeed orchestrated by the Great Physician Himself and I can honestly say I feel better right now (just hours post-op!) than I have felt in the last several months! This pain is nothing - natta - lower than low! They even gave us 4 sequential pictures of the inside of my guts, showing all the parts & pieces! That's just too much!! Scrapbook material?!? Ha Our Sunday School class pretty much had a party in the waiting room. And now that they've seen the pictures, they can honestly say they know me inside and out! So --- the parting was graceful, and although I appreciate everything she did for me while we were together, it's goodbye Ms. Bladdie. Rest in peace.
Kevin & I truly do appreciate you praying us through. Anyone who might doubt the power of prayer hasn't been hanging around with us enough! Of course, it's not the power of prayer. It's the mighty miraculous power of God sought in prayer. I praise Him to the highest heavens for His generosity! Not once did I feel apart from His tender care. Not once. N-o-t o-n-c-e. He even granted us an opportunity to witness (of course, we did that all the live long day), but a specific opportunity to talk with my nurse about Jesus and to invite her and her husband to join us at church. I think she will -- Cindy, God is anxious to prove Himself to you! He loves us so much, and He is all the time arranging details to let us know He's there. This, I k-n-o-w!
I'll be crafting soon! It might be my most inspiring creations to date! Amazing what a good gallbladder surgery will do to ya! Thank you again family & friends. You are loved. You are never forgotten. Never overlooked. My heart is completely stolen by God over each of you, with bleary eyes.
If you can spare one last prayer, my very very very dear friend, Eleanore, is having lens replacement on her eyes starting tomorrow. And we are expecting a snow storm as well. Please pray for her surgery to be perfect, and her pain to be tolerable, and their safe travels. She was very very very instrumental in getting me the medical attention I needed so quickly (she's kinda a big shot at the hospital, but you'd never know it. Especially since she's a short tiny little speck of a thing!). We have been very very very close friends for like-ever (23 years) and she is precious. Thank you for remembering her and Brent.
Kiss your life. Accept it, just as it is. Today. Now. So that those moments of happiness you're waiting for don't pass you by.
I am so glad you are feeling better Kay. I just said a prayer for your friend.. I feel so honored to be able to pray for her (and your children).. thank you for sharing your awesome life with us. hugs
Kay I am sooooooo glad all went well and that you feel better!!
Hot wings, beer and pizza!! Yahoo!!
Do you like those things???
Have a fabulous weekend.!!
I'm so glad everything went well!! I come from a family where we all have gall bladder problems. My Mom had her's out YEARS ago (hospitalized for 3 weeks) ... I had mine out in 1987 (hospitalized for 3 days) ... daughter Carolyn had her's out about 10 years ago and came home the same day!!! The wonders of modern medicine!
Wishing you quick healing my friend!
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