I'm on a real roll ...... get it? Hah! Okay -- here's a fun project for ya. You need an old book and some coffee filters. Yes, you read that right!

First, you take the book apart at the spine and begin rolling one sheet at a time. I simply stapled the bottom of each 'cone' because it was the quickest way to do it. And you need a jillion of these. Sorta. I just rolled them while watching TV. Multi-tasking always makes me happy.

Then I fired up the ole' hot glue gun and began adhering them to a piece of foamboard ... until it looked full enough to my liking. I was not very methodical in placing my rolled 'cones' but you could draw a circle on the foamboard to aid in perfect placement if you want to. I didn't because the inner-artist in me just wanted to wing-it! :)

Now here's where the coffee filters come in. I purchased the brown/tan ones, but I think the white ones would be pretty too. There are 7 coffee filters in the center, each one is folded 3 times and stapled, then hot glued in place. They kinda make their own fluffy fan shape, much like the big tissue paper flowers we used to do in high school for our parade floats!

I then used a little bit of diamond stickles on the edges of the coffee filter flowers to add some glitzty glam to this victorian beauty. I love it! Looks great on my wall! You could put about anything you desire in the center ... hot glue in some Christmas bulbs for a festive touch. How about pastel Easter eggs? Maybe some home-made scrunched flowers, or felt flowers, or crepe paper rosettes? Or how about an entire center made of vintage buttons?! I'm just sayin ... the sky's the limit, girlfriend!
OH WOW, if this isn't the most beautiful thing ever... you are so amazing.hugs
Oh my goodness you have been busy! I'm just about to head out but I'll be looking forward to coming back and reading all your recent posts.
Thanks for you comment on my last post. It was difficult to write and there was so much more to the experience than was possible to condense into a few paragraphs. We are thankful that we were not in any more danger than we were. I think there will be some difficult days ahead yet. So many people were praying for us, and for that I am thankful too. Hugs.
Hi my friend.. we are studying Jonah by Priscilla Shirer.. awesome Bible study, the videos are just sooo good. Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday..
Hi Kay!! I was thinking about you the other day and have just been through all the things you have been doing lately!! Gorgeous projects and cards!!
Hope you are well!
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