Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another Peak Inside My Creative Process

I was asked a question in my previous post regarding Magic Splash software. McKenzie asked me how to upload Magic Splash photo's to Blogger, since it was not allowing her to save the photo in a jpeg format. So off I went off to do a "test run" and here we go! Here is what I found.

When I opened Magic Splash software and imported my photo, I first made sure that the photo was originally in a jpeg format. Then I worked my Magic Splash Magic (so easy -- you will LOVE this software). Then instead of choosing to "save" my photo, the trick was to "save as" and then you have the option to keep the jpeg picture format. I always add a "1" or "2" to the named picture so as to preserve the original. Is this clear as mud?

I hope this helps McKenzie and anyone else out there who might have or consider buying the Magic Splash software. It really is a fun little tool, especially for people like me who find Photoshop to be a challenge for my brain at the end of a day. Now -- this post was supposed to help Miss McKenzie .... but wanna know sumpthin' tricksy? McKenzie needs NO help. Go see her fabulous photo shoot on her blog! This girl rocks!
Photo Credit in this post: I would be a bad Granny if I neglected to say that these precious photos feature my favorite 4-year old granddaughter, Princess Rhegan herself. The queen has spoken. She is the apple of my eye.


  1. Hey! Thanks SO much! I'm gonna go play. woohoo! Oh, and thanks for the "plug" to my blog. It was such a great day! I'm gonna post a few more "altered" ones soon...

  2. This photos are awesome and your "little princess" is adorable!! Great job ... thanks for sharing!!
