Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Scrap of Busy Paper

Interview with Me, Myself & I:

Q: Hi Me! What does a girl do when she has a perfectly good scrap of busy paper leftover?
A: Get busy!

Q: How do you balance "busy" with "lazy"?
A: Personally, I myself like to add the calming forces of black or brown.

Q: Well, then please tell me, me, why the black polka dotted ribbon rather than plain?
A: See Busy Handbook, Rule #214 which states as follows: "Busy must be balanced by another busy in order to preserve the busy."

Q: Is there ever an occasion to unbusy, busy?
A: Of course! It's called multi-layered Nestabilities.

Q: Me, can we talk for just a minute about 2-step stampin?
A. Sure, I've got all day and I love to talk! A lot. A really lot.

Q: So ... talk.
A: Geez, pushy aren't you, me?!

Q: *$%&(#$)@(*#
A: SU 2-step stampin is a great result .... eventually. Maybe it's my obsessive compulsive behavior, but I have to stamp it several times on scrap paper until I finally get it aligned to perfection. Personally, I myself believe that SU should offer 2-step stamps in clear acrylic but I am not on the SU board or anything like that. Alas, it does not keep me from ordering more 2-step stampin stash (i.e. 2SSS).

Q: Perhaps you should take 2-step stampin lessons and become a better 2-step stamper?
A: Do you always tick off your interviewee? Or am I just special?


  1. ROTFL ... you are so funny Kay! Do you always finger-babble with yourself??? Your card is lovely and very well put together!!

  2. You crack me up -- that's why they sell the stamp-a-majig. It's saves you all the work and allows you to align it prefectly the 2nd time ;o)

    brought to you by your buddy the stampin up ind. consultant
