Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blessed Beyond Words

Hey you Summer Scripture Chicks! You girls are doing great. I've heard testimony after testimony how God has been using our summer bible study and your memory work. He has sure used it in my life! I've been making duplicate sets of my scripture cards. I add one card to my pretty wooden hanger collection, and I keep one in my car right by my gearshift so I can say my verses over and over as I am driving. It works for me!

Lately, I have found myself feeling and saying that I am Blessed Beyond Words. You'll never find another soul on the face of this earth who has been graced more than me! Psalm 36:5-7 sure comes in handy for being Blessed Beyond Words, doesn't it? I enjoyed making this scripture card almost as much as I love moon pies (you know those dreamy marshmallow concoctions)! Notice the delicate floral treatment surrounding the scripture verse? I used a fun set from Rubber Stamp Tapestry, as shown here and I love the result! Ribbon and vintage button by PaperTrey Ink. Flowers by Prima. Paper by Basic Gray. Blessed Beyond Words .... by God!