Monday, June 22, 2009

RAK Happy

I am nothing but grateful for the beautiful crafty ladies in blogland! Just look at the love I received in my mailbox recently! This first card is from a sweetheart who lives in rural Australia. Theresa is a very talented lady and I'm sure you would enjoy visiting her blog at Misstreez's Weblog. Theresa not only sent me this adorable card that I admired (no, I actually coveted the sweet thing!), but she also sent me some adorable handmade folded flowers! They are some of the cutest things I've ever laid my eyes on! I'm dying to know how to make them, but I don't have the heart to tear one apart to figure it out so I'm depending on y'all to visit her blog and ask her (beg her) to spill it in a blog post! You can get all the deets on this beautiful dress card here on her blog. Doesn't it put ya in the party mood? Thank you Theresa!

Now, onto more RAK happiness! Lori is no stranger to many of you who visit my blog, she made a guest appearance here. She has a heart the size of the moon. And I love moon pies, so that's pretty big! Lori is participating long-distance in our Summer Scripture Challenge, isn't that smarvelous?! If you little darlings will visit her blog at Lori's Addiction: Playing With Adhesive, not only will you see some beautiful scripture cards, you will get sneak peaks of the new Stampin' Up soon-to-be-unveiled catalog. Now, back to this RAK which truly showed up inside my mailbox one day as a big fat surprise! Isn't it pretty? And clever? And cool colors? And a way cool sentiment? And get a load of this girl: she wrote me a message on a large yellow post-it note that was slapped inside the card so that I might be able to use the card to send to someone else! Isn't that too much?! I hereby humbly decree this card to be the gift that keeps on giving! Thank you Lori!

1 comment:

  1. You've been lucky getting all that wonderful fun mail. I should do a photo tutorial on my blog showing how to make the folded flowers. I'll get my friend to help with the pics. Don't be afraid to unfold the flowers if you want to. and I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with them.
