Friday, May 1, 2009

Summer Scripture Challenge

This is my first scripture page that I made for my 2009 Faith Journal -- a collection of 6x6 scrapbook pages that I will display on this wooden stand to help me memorize scripture. Each week over the summer, I will add a new scripture page with a different verse that is meaningful to me. By the end of the summer, I will have 12 scripture verses at the ready!

Do you want to join the Summer Scripture Challenge? You can! Over the summer, my Bible Study Group will study a specific word each week and then search scripture for a bible verse that relates to that word, and commit to memorize or meditate on that verse for one week. We will not be memorizing the same scriptures. I will post each week here on my blog, and you can join in! Please leave me a comment if you do, so we can share in your bible verse.

My first scripture card was based on the word "faith". Jesus always spoke to His disciples about Mustard Seed Faith. We do not start out with a mountain-moving faith, but grow as we pursue the word of God. A seed is something you drop, and seeds are small things that grow into something larger. I want mountain-moving faith, do you?


Jocelyn said...

Kay...this LO is stunning!! I have sat here this morning and taken every little detail in!!!! What wonderful words to read and duch detail to the LO!!! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me such wonderful comments!!!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!!!

Diana said...

Very lovely!

SmilynStef said...

Very pretty ... I love the idea of displaying pages rather than tucking them away in a book.

Diana said...

You made my morning with your lovely comments on my blog! Cheers to good art buddies!

Janine said...

Very pretty Kay!! Hope you are having a great weekend.

Jacqueline said...

How beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea for paper crafting. I've just started going back to church and I'm finding I need a lot of faith. I lost it somewhere along the way. Your 'page' is lovely.

lauren bergold said...

oh ♥WOW♥!!! this is really just *breathtakingly* beautiful! i could just sit and stare it this forever, i think! i love the format, the design, the papers...i love EVERYTHING about this! ♥

(i think you might want to start thinking about suitable wall space, though; by the end of the summer you're going to need a BIG PLACE to display all 12 of these in frames!!!) :)

Lucy Abrams said...

Just beautiful - will look wonderful on display.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful! Love the papers you've used! It will make a beautiful wall hanging!

papertrails leaver said...

this is gorgeous!